Green Government For A Better Tomorrow
Read more about the Green Party and how we will bring about sustainable growth, stand up for humanity, and how we will create a New Deal for Kenya. These are our guiding principles and values for the Party;
- Respect for human rights and freedoms
- Truth and fairness to Citizenry
- Rule of law
- Social and Local content concerns
- Citizens effective participation in governance
- Devolution of power and resources
- Less government Expenditure and Taxation
- Unity in diversity
- Accountability and transparency
231 +
300 K
Party Volunteers
Join Our Political Party. #1 Choice Of Green Thinking.
The Green Thinking Action Party offers a New Deal for Kenya in the form of the following;
- Green Governance
- Green Justice
- Green Wealth
- Green Life
*Note: Sample representation of our SDG’s

Proud To Be A Member
